Thursday, July 17, 2008

I knew a woman, lovely in her bones

I think I'll perpetually be confused. I think from now on when someone asks me how to describe myself, I will say "regrettably confused".

I got a new job and it makes me feel like a little girl playing grown-up. I'm pantomiming all the motions of work, but in reality I'm accomplishing little (presently). I'm so proud of it though, because usually I have shit for luck.

I'm kind of indifferent about college. I don't know if I'm necessarily excited about it? I'm excited to learn. Solution: Carpe Diem I suppose. That seems to be the theme of the past year.

I live in my head too much, but I cant help but daydream. Even when I'm out in the noisiest, craziest setting; even when I'm having fun, my mind drifts.

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